
INJECTION MOLD P2 1 Types of Mold

The basic types of mold, regardless of whether they are compression, injection, transfer, or even blow molds, are usually classified by the type and number of cavities they have. For example, FIGURE PP.1 illustrates three mold types: (a) single-cavity, (b) dedicated multiple-cavity, and (c) family multiplecavity.

Single-cavity mold (FIGURE PP.1a) represents one of the simplest mold concepts. This design lends itself to low-volume production and to large plastic part designs. The multiple-cavity molds may be of two types. A dedicated multiple-cavity mold (FIGURE PP.1b) has cavities that produce the same part. This type of mold is very popular because it is easy to balance the plastic flow and establish a controlled process. In a family multiple-cavity mold (FIGURE PP.1c), each cavity may produce a different part. Historically, family mold designs were avoided because of difficulty in filling uniformly; however, recent advances in mold making and gating technology make family molds appealing. This is the case especially when a processor has a multiple-part assembly and would like to keep inventories balanced.

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