
INJECTION MOLD P5 3 2 Number of Mold Cavities

Use of multiple mold cavities permits greater increase in output speeds. However, the greater complexity of the mold also increases significantly the manufacturing cost. Note that in a single-cavity mold the limiting factor is the cooling time of the molding, but with more cavities in the mold the plasticizing capacity of the machine tends to be the limiting factor. Cycle times therefore do not increase prorate with the number of cavities.

There can be no clear-cut answer to the question of optimum number of mold cavities, since it depends on factors such as the complexity of the molding, the size and type of the machine, cycle time, and the number of moldings required. If a fairly accurate estimate can be made of the costs and cycle time for molds with each possible number of cavities and a cost of running the machine (with material) is assumed, a break-even quantity of the number of moldings per hour can be calculated and compared with the total production required.


FIGURE PP.10 A diagram of a three-plate injection mold.

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